
group order information1. group orders take time! please do not join if you cannot be patient.2. once you have commented to claim a spot in any of my orders there are no backouts. this does not apply to interest checks, only confirmed orders.3. i am not responsible for any damage inflicted on items during the shipping process. the same goes for lost items, once your package has left my possession it is out of my hands, unfortunately.4. please treat me and others in the order with kindness. i have zero tolerance for rudeness of any kind, and i will refund and block you with no warning if you give me or other joiners attitude.5. lastly, if you have any questions about anything at any time please do not hesitate to reach out to me! i promise there's no such thing as a silly question so please don't be afraid to ask!thank you so much for trusting me with your order, i look forward to working with you💜